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25th Anniversary wishes from our donors, members, and audiences

We have always felt like part of the Sadler’s Wells family. The theatre is close to our hearts and we are extremely proud of the artistic excellence that has been achieved in the past 25 years.Sandi & Jake

We always sit at the edge of our seats at Sadler’s, immersed in whatever mesmerizing performance the theater is hosting that evening. For 90 minutes we are pure feeling, pure emotion and pure dance. At Sadler’s, we react viscerally to the excellence on stage and become present and grateful for the intimate expression of creative force we’re being allowed to witness.Tudor & David

For over 20 years Sadler’s Wells has been my spiritual home. It has been such a pleasure to see young dance companies grow to become international powerhouses. Here we see work that encourages and might even challenge all audiences to witness something new. With a fourth stage to be unveiled at Sadler’s Wells East in the spring, there will be further opportunity to step into a new theatre that will continue to delight us all. Celeste

Sadler’s Wells to me, is a place that is accessible, welcoming, dynamic and full of possibilities. It embodies the excitement, universality and beauty of dance in all its forms. When I come to Sadler’s Wells, I know I am going to be entertained, inspired, moved – have my world view changed in some way – or just feel better about life.Annabel

It was a desperately exciting and dangerous time. We all wanted to build a new theatre dedicated to dance, so Sadler’s Wells could establish an international name in the dance world. It would be built with the dancers’ needs first and foremost, like sprung floors in the rehearsal studios. It was a great deal of money, and no one had an assurance that the Arts Council would give us the extra to complete the build. No one knew for sure what they would do, and every day was like coming in on a wing and a prayer. Thank heavens they came to the rescue.

The new building had to pass the health and safety demands of Islington Council for them to OK the opening night. Prince Charles had already been invited and accepted. On our opening day we just managed to clear the problems in time, and what a glorious night in the theatre it was. Everything looked beautiful and we were grateful for every bit of expertise and even the sacrifices of a good nights’ sleep. I am still so grateful to all those people involved in what was the gamble of a lifetime.

It was the most exciting thing I’ve ever been involved with. It gave me so much adrenaline, and so many friendships.

I think Sadler’s Wells is the most beautiful place in the world. It’s the place I want to be more than anywhere else. I’m so happy when I’m at Sadler’s Wells. Art is a wonderful thing – what would we do without it. Valerie Colgan – Honorary Board Member, Sadler’s Wells Foundation

I have loved SW since the first time I went there about 13 years ago. I am a member and I love taking my friends there as a treat for us both. […]Anonymous audience member
I love Sadler’s Wells. Have been coming here since I was a child. More than 50 years.Anonymous audience member
I think Sadler’s Wells is one of the friendliest and most welcoming theatres in London […]. I also love the diversity of your programing. Anonymous audience member

I first came to the old Sadler’s Wells building on a date in 1970 to a Gilbert and Sullivan Opera. I have enjoyed a frequent and happy relationship with Sadler’s Wells ever since but not with the same young man.

My mother and I had tickets upstairs in the second circle on the first night when the new building opened. When we sat down there were still workman doing some soldering on the ceiling! They left and the performance started a bit late. The bar licence hadn’t yet been granted but we all coped and the performance was great. We enjoyed coming here for the next 13 years. My mothers last show was Northern Ballet’s Cleopatra which she loved and was just 3 weeks before she died.

It’s now 25 Happy years in the new building. A wonderful variety of dance and hip-hop. Hours and hours of entertainment. Thank you, Sadler’s Wells Dinny

An array of brilliant productions at Sadler’s Wells have transfixed me to the point where I need to check I’m still breathing. It is exhilarating; no other cultural or sporting event has the same impact on me.Chris

Going to see Betroffenheit not knowing what to expect and thinking “well that blew my mind” and then seeing it had 5 star reviews and realising how lucky I was to see it. Then returning to see Revisor and it all happening again! But all the shows I have seen have left great impressions. Thanks for everything!Matt

Sadler’s Wells remodelled not rebuilt. Still has the spirit of Ghost Dances done in aid of Chilean refugees. And my wrinkles may have changed my face. But that doesn’t make me 10 years old. Celebrate the fund raising and the man with the bucket out front. I celebrate the great choreography. Congratulations. The Art of Movement

ZooNation: The Kate Prince Company and Breakin’ Convention productions had me hooked to Sadler’s WellsBablu