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Watch Juice A film by Charlotta Öfverholm and Anders Larsson

Featuring Charlotta Öfverholm and 35 performers

Part of Longevity in Dance: Elixir on Digital Stage

Juice - Charlotta Öfverholm
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Juice is a film by Charlotta Öfverholm and Anders Larsson.

What triggers the sparkle and juice of each person’s life?

What makes us open up to the unknown and just leap out of our comfort zones?

And where is your secret place where you recharge your batteries?

Don’t wait! It might be too late!

Charlotta Öfverholm and Anders Larsson have been producing films together since 2013. Anders has created three documentaries following the work of Charlotta’s project Age on Stage. Checking Out, a detective story, was their first dance film released in 2021.


A film by Charlotta Öfverholm and Anders Larsson
Featuring Charlotta Öfverholm and 35 performers
Music by Massimo Broggio