Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse / Rachid Ouramdane Corps extrêmes
Play TrailerA white climbing wall. A high wire above the stage. An ensemble of athletes and artists soar through mid-air choreography that takes dance to new heights.
Corps extrêmes is a visually stunning exploration of flight and freedom with an ensemble of athletes and artists, defying belief on a set where the mountains meet the stage.
Choreographer Rachid Ouramdane focusses on ideas of flight, states of weightlessness, and suspension – all key in extreme sports. This ambitious and captivating work brings together acrobats, flyers, a slackliner and a rock-climber.
In an aerial dance that that will leave you on the edge of your seat, the ensemble push the boundaries of trust within the group, and test their own physical strength and emotional barriers.
Featuring stunning video projection of remarkable natural landscapes alongside graceful yet spectacular physicality, Corps extrêmes reveals what motivates these larger-than-life individuals as they seek to escape gravity.
[Image description] A woman balances with her back against a white climbing wall dotted with footholds in irregular shapes. A rope runs across the space in front of the wall, with a man lying balanced on his front on it. He reaches out one hand to catch the hand of a third dancer, a woman who seems suspended in mid air, her feet pressed together as if she’s just launched herself into space.
Header image © Pascale Cholette

Corps extrêmes is a meditation on risk, vertigo and fear. The show draws a graphic and chiselled picture where the fragility of the body, one’s own and that of each co-performer, is never forgotten even at the height of physical prowess.LE MONDE
Ten adventurous performers, extreme tightrope walkers, climbing pros or speed lovers, throw themselves into the void and quite literally fly through a video set that takes us up and over trees and mountains. MOUVEMENT
A vertiginous ode to freedom and to release where the circus arts and contemporary dance coalesce.FILLES DE PANAME